Friday, September 22, 2006

This is my BAFTA. it's cool. I won it for 'shadowscan' a short film check it out on utube. the budget of shadowscan was 10 times the budget of my feature film honey and razorblades.
I would like to win another one because people pay attention to you for a bit and give you money to write scripts. Then they say they can't ' commit to' (their words)making the filmbut at least that way I have money and then I can go off and make films that are cheap and me and my friends can commit to.
I would like some money and also would like some attention because it feels nice.
better than that by a long way is making films that show the world more as it really happens rather than how guys in an office in soho think it happens. also I think audiences want things that are new and different but properly new and differnt and unexpected; whereas film execs always want it as new as the last new thing that did well at the box office... I wanna make films for people who want to see new shit they've never seen before but also shows life in a way they recognise but hasnt been seen before.

take the beach... what the fuck was that to do with backpacking? it didnt seem real to me at all- am I the only one who thinks that?

also that's why we've made our sex scenes seem really real as well... I'd be interested to see what people think but I don't want to put up the sex scenes on u-tube because that might be embarassing for the actors to have sex scenes out ther out of context. maybe I should ask them...


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